
Showing posts from June, 2021

Best Key West iPad repair service

Ever wondered why are companies like Apple so concerned about you not being able to repair your broken devices? It's money and greed, according to popular belief, why companies oppose people being able to repair their own gadgets. If your device breaks, you'll have to go out and get a new one. They have the opportunity to empty your wallet, and the company makes another sale, propelling the consumer capitalism engine along. It isn't just about money and greed, though. Well, we know a little about the repair industry as someone who has spent years repairing iPads/iPhones and renowned as the best Key West iPad repair service . If your device is broken, you're either a potential customer for a new one or a potential customer for an authorized repair center, both of which generate revenue (although for a company as large as Apple, that revenue is a drop in the bucket, it's still a lucrative market for third-party repair centers that are Apple authorized). But